November 29, 2016

PARTNER MOMENTUM: Lean Rats Run Mazes Faster 11:00 PM  -  11:15 AM PARTNER MOMENTUM: Lean Rats Run Mazes Faster Main Stage

PARTNER MOMENTUM: Lean Rats Run Mazes Faster

Large companies, governments, and hospitals need disruptive innovation to survive and grow. With programs like the NYC Pilot HealthTech PILOT program and innovative companies like DataArt, Amazon, GE, and so many others reaching out, getting that first crucial pilot or partnership is much easier than ever, but as we all learned a long time ago, fat happy rats don’t run mazes. So we have asked one of the nation’s top lean innovation experts, Bob Dorf (co-author of the global bestselling “Startup Owner’s Manual”), to spend a little time discussing how to build product and service innovation using the “lean” customer discovery methods embraced by most startups and many major corporations today. He’s driven innovation teams at Merck, NewsCorp, GE, and at literally thousands of startups worldwide

Session Category :  Business  Entrepreneurship  Government  Growth  Healthcare  hospitals  Innovation  Momentum  Partnerships  Pharma  Scaling